GUFRAM SRL Località Batasiolo 85/A, 12064, La Morra (CN) P.IVA: 05982260019

Roberto Matta

  • Biography

    Roberto Matta was a celebrated Chilean-born artist and designer, pivotal character between surrealism and Abstract expressionism movements and creator of dynamically playful furniture designs.
    Matta’s paintings are characterized by abstract landscapes and amorphous shapes that seem to float in space. His body of work is known for its almost psychedelic sense of movement and tension between opposing forces, such as light and dark, organic and geometric shapes, and inner and outer space. Matta’s work as a designer is closely intertwined with his painting, as both explored similar themes of surrealism and the subconscious.
    He saw his furniture designs as a way to bring his artistic vision into the realm of functional objects, blurring the line between art and design with biomorphic formations and unusual materials, such as sculpted fiberglass. Matta’s influence can be clearly felt in the work of many contemporary artists and designers and his influential paintings and furniture designs are celebrated worldwide for their visionary approach to art and design, challenging traditional ideas of form and function. He remains a highly regarded figure in the history of art and design, celebrated for his innovative contributions and enduring legacy.

  • Products
  • MAgriTTA