GUFRAM SRL Località Batasiolo 85/A, 12064, La Morra (CN) P.IVA: 05982260019
Industry plants - Perrotin Gallery, New York, USA, 2024
Industry plants - Perrotin Gallery, New York, USA, 2024
Industry plants - Perrotin Gallery, New York, USA, 2024
Industry plants - Perrotin Gallery, New York, USA, 2024

Gufram x MSCHF at Perrotin Gallery New York: Cut Pratone®

  • Limited Edition 1/9 - Based on Ceretti, Derossi and Rosso’s 1971 Pratone® - On view at Perrotin Gallery, New York
  • Gufram and MSCHF have worked on a brand new project together: what could possibly go wrong? This very special collaboration was made on occasion of the American artistic collective’s exhibition, “Industry Plants”, at Perrotin Gallery, New York.
    MSCHF’s target for their new unique piece of art is the iconic Pratone® by Giorgio Ceretti, Pietro Derossi, Riccardo Rosso. Over fifty years after the creation of this masterpiece, in Cut Pratone®, MSCHF prompts a reconsideration of its design by slicing through the thicket, scattering clippings and revealing the Pratone®’s bloodied foam innards.
    In the words of author and researcher Elizabeth Koehn, this artistic operation “carries on the spirit of the original design’s critical provocation by inviting viewers to interrogate the strategies, aims, and efficacy of the radical attempt to reshape society through design. […] It is only through MSCHF’s dissection of Pratone® that we are able to recognize the persistent, pulsing vitality of the original design’s revolutionary aspirations.”

    Don’t be afraid. Go visit the scene of the crime:
    Exhibition “Industry Plants”
    Perrotin Gallery, 130 Orchard Street, New York
    From September 6 to October 19, 2024