GUFRAM SRL Località Batasiolo 85/A, 12064, La Morra (CN) P.IVA: 05982260019
Gigantisme - FRAC, Dunkirk, France, 2020
Gigantisme - FRAC, Dunkirk, France, 2020
Gigantisme - FRAC, Dunkirk, France, 2020
Gigantisme - FRAC, Dunkirk, France, 2020
Gigantisme - FRAC, Dunkirk, France, 2020
Gigantisme - FRAC, Dunkirk, France, 2020
Gigantisme - FRAC, Dunkirk, France, 2020
Gigantisme - FRAC, Dunkirk, France, 2020
Gigantisme - FRAC, Dunkirk, France, 2020

Gigantisme / Art & Industrie, FRAC, Dunkirk, 2020

  • Dunkirk, France, 2020
  • An exhibition of out-sized installations, specially created for the occasion, of in situ works, of sculptures, paintings, films and performances will embody encounters and minglings between artists and engineers, designers and architects. The event will occupy a variety of exhibition spaces, as well as urban and port sites. A unique artistic exploration investing the Dunkirk landscape, straddling living heritage and contemporary creation, to reconsider the history of European modernity, from 1947 to the present day.