GUFRAM SRL Località Batasiolo 85/A, 12064, La Morra (CN) P.IVA: 05982260019
The Conversation Show - Design Museum Holon, Holon, 2019
The Conversation Show - Design Museum Holon, Holon, 2019
The Conversation Show - Design Museum Holon, Holon, 2019
The Conversation Show - Design Museum Holon, Holon, 2019
The Conversation Show - Design Museum Holon, Holon, 2019
The Conversation Show - Design Museum Holon, Holon, 2019
The Conversation Show - Design Museum Holon, Holon, 2019

The Conversation Show, Design Museum Holon, 2019

  • Holon, 2019
  • May 2019: Design Museum Holon presents The Conversation Show, an original exhibition featuring five commissioned installations that explore the mutual interchange and creative process between leading designers working together as a duo or group. Each internationally renowned design studio created site-specific objects, spaces or interactive works that physically and conceptually express their creative dialogue and collaborative practice.