GUFRAM SRL Località Batasiolo 85/A, 12064, La Morra (CN) P.IVA: 05982260019
Vegetal House - MUMEDI, Mexico City, Mexico, 2018
Vegetal House - MUMEDI, Mexico City, Mexico, 2018
Vegetal House - MUMEDI, Mexico City, Mexico, 2018
Vegetal House - MUMEDI, Mexico City, Mexico, 2018

Vegetal House, MUMEDI, Mexico City, 2018

  • Mexico City, Mexico, 2018
  • La Triennale di Milano, in collaboration with the Embassy of Italy in Mexico City, presents Vegetal House. The exhibition explores the world of furnishings and design objects that have as a matrix or model the plant world through a selection of about 100 works. Nature spills into our homes every day through artefacts that, in their names and in their shapes, imitate and pay tribute to plants, fruit, flowers, leaves, trunks and roots.
    Vegetal House is an exhibition that tries to understand how such names and such shapes may interfere with the objects themselves as much in their concept and design as in their perception and acceptance.
    Such widespread trend could be suggestive of a complex symbolic mechanism that tends to see home interiors as material substitutes or replacements of that vegetable world that in many cases has been irretrievably cast out of our homes.
    So, through a selection of iconic pieces and works by contemporary designers, the exhibition is an opportunity to explore Italian design from a new, unexpected perspective and to outline new, potential ways to a fresh understanding of the history of this discipline.