GUFRAM SRL Località Batasiolo 85/A, 12064, La Morra (CN)
Live the Art, Jeffrey Deitch Gallery, Art Basel
Everything at once: Postmodernism 1967-1992, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn, 2024
Design for fun, Museum of Art Pudong, Shanghai, 2022
CACTUSRAMA, Triennale, Milano, 2022
Intertwingled, GNAMC, Roma, 2022
Reflections: Dino Gavina, l’arte, il design, GNAM, Roma, 2021
Beleza em Movimento, Casa Fiat de Cultura, Belo Horizonte, 2019
Objects of Desire, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, 2019
Radical Living, 64 White Street, New York, 2019
The Conversation Show, Design Museum Holon, 2019
Museo del Design Italiano, Triennale, Milano
Gigantisme / Art & Industrie, FRAC, Dunkirk, 2020
Vegetal House, MUMEDI, Città del Messico, 2018
Home Futures / Glorious Future, Design Museum, Londra, 2018
Luna Park: The Design Island, DDP, Seoul, 2018
Plasticarium / Art & Design, Atomium Museum, Bruxelles, 2015
Marilyn, Flowers, Lips, Gun, Mirror, Cactus, Galleria Ordovas, Londra, 2017
Pop Art Design, OCMA, Costa Mesa, 2017
Giro Giro Tondo, Triennale, Milano, 2017
Planet Gufram, Mediateca Santa Teresa, Milano, 2017
Design Radical, MET, New York, 2017
Gufram: On The Rocks, Galleria Carla Sozzani, Milano, 2016
Pop Art Design, MCA, Chicago, 2015
Zones de confort, Galerie Poirel
Il Mercante di Nuvole, GAM, Torino, 2015
Schaudepot Exhibition, Vitra Design Museum, Weil am Rhein, 2016
Pop Art Design, Henie Onstad Kunstsenter, Sandvika, 2015
Pop Art Design, EMMA Museum, Espoo, 2015
Plastic Days, Museo Ettore Fico, Torino, 2015
100% Original Design, MAXXI, Roma, 2014
Design Superheroes, Moscow Design Week, 2014
Pop Art Design, Moderna Museet, Stoccolma, 2013
Pop Art Design, Barbican Centre, Londra, 2013
Pop Art Design, Foundation Beyeler, Basilea, 2012
Pop Art Design, Vitra Design Museum, Wheil am Rhein, 2012
The Rock Furniture, Castello di Rivoli, Torino, 2002
I Multipli, Galleria Dilmos, 1986
Gufram Multipli, Galleria TOT, 1984
Eurodomus 4, Torino, 1972
Italy: The New Domestic Landscape, MoMA, New York, 1972
Esposizione Internazionale Triennale di Milano, 1968